Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

About Sonji Palmer


I am a leading autism expert with over 10 years of extensive research in the race for the cure of autism. Through my research, I have discovered very innovative research based and peer reviewed interventions that have enriched my son’s life permanently. I have successfully advocated for my child to receive the services he is entitled to. I collaborate with parents to assist in various biomedical interventions and services Autistic children need in school. I give presentations on Autism Awareness, and seminars called Autism through A Parents Eyes. I am an expert on nutritional healing through whole foods. I also wrote several songs and poems to raise money and for Autism awareness. I am constantly seeking better ways to treat children with Autism Spectrum disorders. I am currently seeking a Bachelors degree in Business Management and I am currently writing a book on the dynamics of Autism and how recovery from Autism is possible coming to a bookstore near you. I look forward to bringing my expertise to West Africa.

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