Rabu, 03 April 2013

Naked Chinese Girl Looks For Mother


Yunnan Naked Girl Looks For Mother

If you don't understand my sorrow, how can you say that I am crazy?  The complete story of the "Naked Girl of Yunnan" affair.  By Pan Xiaoling.  August 12, 2009.

Peng Chunping decided to continue to publish her so-called "nude photos" photos on the Internet.  To avoid being scorned by netizens as being "as fat as a pig" again, she ordered some fruity weight-reduction capsules advertised on a television shopping program.

This girl who lives to wear white one-piece suits or white wide-collared t-shirts plus hot pants has always been very sensitive about body fat.  Recently this 160cm-tall girl kept complaining to the reporter, "I now weigh 50 kilograms!"

This time, she has decided to have totally nude photos taken by a professional photographer.  Previously, she only took photos with rented cameras, which yielded poor quality and effect.

Since July 2008, she has published three sets of nude photos.  Each time, some media contacted her.  But all her injustices have not been vindicated yet.  This 21-year-old girl from a remote mountainous area did not attend school and held no steady job for the past four years.  Her sole goal in life was to petition against the injustices at all costs.  These costs include posting nude photos of herself in order to attract Internet traffic; offering her body to real or fake government officials, or reporters; finding "boyfriends" and even "fiancés" in order to raise the money to file petitions.

But not a single media report has been satisfactory to her -- almost all the media were interested only in the nude photos and nobody paid attention to the "injustices."  They even directly or discretely indicated to her that her "injustices" were not valid.  She would get angry, and even blame the reporters.  Then she would take another media interview, get angry and blame the reporter all over again.

So what is the story behind this insane and incredible series of petitions and the incomprehensible nude show?

Before she published those nude photos, she was a girl living in the mountainous Shijiu village, Qinfeng town, Lufeng county, Yunnan province.

Her relatives and fellow villagers think that her personality today was just like her deceased father Peng Chaogui: stubborn and hot-tempered.

Without the changes that ook place later on, the five mu of land that the Peng couple held in this remote village which still uses horse carts for transportation would have been enough to feed the family of four.  Upon reaching adulthood, Peng Chunping would follow local custom to wait for a young man of the same age to propose marriage, get married within a month and begin a life just as her ancestors have done before her.

But according to the police file at the Lufeng county public security bureau, on the evening of November 13, 1988, the father Peng Chaogui had an argument with neighbors and set village houses on fire.  When the villagers tried to put out the fire, Peng Chaogui prevented them by using a wood chopper.  In the end, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

In 1997, Peng Chaogui was released two years early.  Once again, he got into a quarrel and used a wooden pole and a hoe to beat a couple in the village to death.  The woman was pregnant at the time.  Peng Chaogui was given the death sentence which was carried out immediately.

In the ten years of her childhood, Peng Chunping had only spent fewer than two months with her father.  There was more terror than fondness.  She has always refused to accompany her mother to visit her father in jail.  "I hated him for causing some much trouble to the family."  For refusing to call Peng Chaogui "father" while preferring the term "labor reform criminal" instead, she was whipped repeatedly by Peng Chaogui who even threw her down from the first floor.

After her father was executed, the family found it hard to make a living.  Peng Chunping and her sister quit school after fourth grade to stay at home.  At 2000, 12-year-old Peng Chunping went out to work but was kidnapped to Anyang in Henan province.  Fortunately, she was rescued the next day.  The mother went out to work and has not reappeared since.

The two orphan girls were adopted by two maternal uncles in the village.  To the uncle, Peng Chunping was sensitive and stubborn "just like her dad" and very difficult to live with.

Peng Chunping liked to start her memory from the year 2003, when her aunt received a call from her mother Zhumadian in Henan to ask for help after being kidnapped.  It was that year that she left her sister and the village behind in order to locate her mother.  Her sole motivation in life became petitioning.

Nobody can clearly describe the shock and impact of this petition journey for this strong but helpless girl.  She has not talked about the details either.  Two years later, Peng Chunping returned to the village to obtain her identification card.  She found to her surprise that her household registration, her land and even part of her house had been taken away.  This would turn her to turn the entire village into her enemies.

The village party secretary explained; "Who is going to allow a plot of land to remain fallow?"  But Peng Chunping thinks that the village cadres and residents were bullying the widow and her two orphans.  If she did not fight back, she would be living in a permanent state of oppression.

Even though she does not know farming and she never wants to come back and live there, she was going to get her possession back even if "the field was covered with weeds."

In her eyes, the crimes of her father also became another example of injustice -- Her father did not deliberately set the fire; the police made up the story about him and the wood chopper; he killed the couple out of self-defence, because the brother of the couple had insulted her mother but was never punished by the law.

Although she was only respectively four months and seven days old and nine years old during those two incidents, Peng Chunping said that her mother told her all this and her mother would never lie to her.  As for the disappearance of her mother, Peng Chunping also thinks that it was the government's fault.

    Although the aunt denies that she had ever received the 2003 call that changed the life of Peng Chunping, she refuses to believe that and she thinks that the aunt is refusing to help her.

Although the investigation by the public security bureau showed that there was no miscarriage of justice, "she refused to believe."  "This was not a family tragedy" and "this was the unfair treatment and oppression of our family by the government and society."

During the process of seeking her mother and petitioning, Peng Chunping learned how to write a blog.  In each blog post, she recounted the injustices done to her parents.  She continued to add details.  One detail was that her father was shot three times at his execution but he did not die.  When he was taken to the funeral parlour, he still looking through his opened eyes.

The reporter reminded her of the common knowledge that a legal doctor has to verify that the executed person is indeed dead.  But Peng Chunping refused to believe that.

But she has no reservation in believing those total strangers on the outside.

She has never held a steady job.  She wandered around everywhere.  She has worked in a hair salon, she has been a salesgirl, she has worked in a factory.  In her spare time, she looked for her mother . She created user accounts at all the major Internet forums, she posted her own blogs and she supported them with hits and comments.

She tried to learn about the laws of property rights and forestry on her own.  She has a lot of difficulty reading the legal articles.  She types very slowly.  She does not know many words.  When she uses the unfamiliar pinyin system, she does not know which of the many words that sound the same is the right one.

    For a long period of time, the blog of Peng Chunpeng received no attention.  One or two months after a blog post, fewer than 10 people read it.

    She called all the newspapers and television channels, from the provincial ones to the national ones.  Only one television station's sentimental program was somewhat interested in her journey to find her mother, but thought that it was too long ago and therefore too hard to track her down.  The next day, Peng Chunping called again and said that she has only been looking for her mother for half a year.  But the television station did not do the report.

    Her petition materials have been submitted from Lufeng county all the way to Kunming for countless number of times without result.  Each time, she would observe her petition materials in pristine shape at the town government office.  Each time, the town government worker told her the same thing, "This is not going to work for you."

    But bad things kept happening which made her even more extreme in fighting back.  In 2004, Peng Chunping returned to the home village and she was molested by a male villager.  The other party offered 3,000 RMB to settle the case.  She refused.  During this time, Lufeng county lawyer Zhou Xianjiang received a group SMS from Peng Chunpeng offering her land, house and even her body to anyone who was willing to handle her case.  Zhou provided his service to her for free.  The other party was sentenced three years in prison.

    Zhou Xianjiang can still remember this client from five years ago.  "She was very young, but she was ready to risk everything."

    In June 2008, Peng Chunping decided to go to Beijing.  She learned from the Internet that "all the reporters of the world will be in Beijing during the Olympics."  When she arrived in Beijing, she was surprised to find that she could not enter even an ordinary office, much less the legendary Zhongnanhai.

    Only in the Internet cafes could she obtained the support that she was not getting in the real world.  She felt increasingly more that "she and the majority of netizens stood on the side of truth and facts."

    She came across the Internet song and she came up with the idea that she could imitate Furong Jiejie and become an Internet celebrity in order to draw attraction to her injustices.  In truth, this was the only thing that she could come up with.

    For 150 yuan per month, she rented a computer equipped with a webcam in order to take nude photos.  Without exception, she has told all the reporters that she struggled for one whole week before she overcame her psychological block to take those "ugly photos."

    In the first batch of photos, she was still in her underwear.  In order to increase the visual effect of nudity, she took off the bra strap.  She has deleted the majority of those photos, leaving behind a dozen of so "better looking ones."  She also shrunk the photos and added artistic frames around them.  She also cropped the photos so that they looked like close-ups because the background was "ugly" -- there was a one-meter-wide iron-frame bed upon which all her clothes were strewn.  This was the room that she rented when she worked in Henan.

After the photos were posted, the number of hits rose.  But the results were not good.  Many netizens complained: "What kind of nude photo is it when you are still in your underwear?"  More importantly, no media outlet has contacted her yet.

One week later, Peng Chunping took a set of fully nude photos.  She also arranged to have several forum administrators to place her posts on top.  From October 2008 onwards, media outlets began to seek her out.

Each time that she meets a reporter, she would made sure that she carefully apply powder, eye shadow and lip stick.  She pays a lot of attention to her looks, which are often ruined by the tears that she cried.  She addressed each reporter as "brother" or "sister" and she would narrate her entire history of injustice.  She has caused several "sister" to join her in tears.  When she spoke about the village party committee or the town government, she could lose control of her emotions.  There was one time when she accompanied a reporter to interview the village party secretary, she stormed out of the meeting.

One television reporter conducted in-depth interviews and felt that her life was "not as tragic or unjust as she thought."  So he took her to visit a psychiatrist in Kunming.  When Peng overheard the doctor say that she has mental problems, she rushed out the door in anger.

That reporter called her many times again without answer.  Finally he sent Peng a SMS: "If you still want to promote this, please contact me."  Very quickly she replied via SMS, "Only you understand me."

But Peng Chunping was still disappointed.  Almost all the reporters were only interested in her nude photos plus her search for her mother.  They said nothing about the "injustices" done to her parents and the "corruption" in the land case.  Some media even described her in entertaining terms as "The sudden emergence of the second-generation Furong Jiejie."

Every day, she got on Baidu to search for reports and programs about herself.  Each time, she was angry.  But no matter what, she encouraged herself "that this was another big step towards success."

Lawyer Zhou Xianjiang encountered Peng Chunping by accident in Lufeng later.  He felt that this girl has become someone completely different.  "She told me that she was on her way to meet with a prospective husband.  She only wanted to obtain 10,000 yuan in gift money in order to pursue her quest for justice."

She had several boyfriends on and off.  She mentioned that they sympathized with her, they helped her repay her debts and one even allowed her to pawn the gift of a 6,000 yuan necklace in order to get money to petition.  This was all she had to say about her love life.

The neighboring Anning county hairstylist Jiang Ying was the boyfriend of Peng Chunping for several months.  He even helped to repay several thousand yuan in debts.  In order to make her happy, he said that he helped her "to do certain things."  "Peng Chunpeng always remembered that and said that this was what moved her the most."

None of these relationships lasted very long.  Peng Chunping had too many things to do and her life's goals have not yet been realized.  In her blog, more and more people left her messages to invite her to join various forums, QQ groups or virtual organizations, and they offered to help her.

Peng Chunping made friends with any netizens who cares to and she replies to everyone.  Each month, she sends out several thousand SMS.  Her mobile telephone is less than one year old but all the lettering on the keys are worn out

Every few months, she has to obtain a new phone number.  Too many netizens are trying to contact her, and not all of them come out of kindness and justice.  Some people want to "be friends," some people state outright that they "were attracted by her nude photos" and there are even people who accuse her of being a fraud.

In order to maintain this hard-earned popularity, she went to get a set of artistic photos taken at a studio.  She posted these innocent and straightforward photos onto her blog, emphasizing of course that everything is being done only in order to find her mother.  But there isn't a single photo of her mother on the blog.

In late July 2008, a man who claimed to be the "director of a certain organization" in Xunping county, Hebei province told her that he can help her to meet with senior leaders but only if she can prove what she said is true.

Peng Chunping felt that she has found her life-saving straw.  She took her petition materials to Hebei.  She did not even bother to verify this man's background.

The "director" lived in poverty.  The only noteworthy thing was that there was a ceiling fan and some old books in the house.  The "director" did not seem to have a formal job.  Each day, he just accompanied her around in the streets or spent the night at the Internet cafe to read her blog or write his own blog

Peng Chunping had doubts, but he said that national-level cadres must maintain low profiles.  He said that his house and his 4.5 million RMB savings were in Bejing.  She thought that this was reasonable.  She said that he got her to go to bed with him once, but she did not sue him because "he promised to bring me to meet with the county party secretary and the provincial governor as well as to have a private meeting with a certain leader in Beijng."

What happened next was recorded by the "director" in his own blog: "On August 5, the Rose Knight met the county party secretary at the Xunping Petition Office.  There was a quarrel and he was arrested.  The situation is perilous and one must risk death to fight back."

At the police station, Peng Chunping learned from the "director"'s parents who came hastily that he was an unemployed young man who suffered from mental problems.

Peng Chunping was brought back to Lufeng soon afterwards.  During that period, she became the most popular topic of conversation in the village.

"We all call her the Big Panda."  A village recalled that more than a dozen people came down from the county, town and village levels of government.  They rented the house used for slaughtering pigs as their temporary residence.  Every day, someone followed Peng Chunping around on everything that she did, including sleeping and using the toilet.  During the day, people even played cards with her.  The villagers were curious and amazed.

Her persistence at petitioning through nude photos on the Internet has caused the local officials much grief.  Her sister Peng Chunlan and her maternal uncle Lu Shaoxiang were contacted by local officials: "The leaders want us to tell her that this is going to ruin her life if she keeps it up."

The celebrity from her nude photos has entered her real life.  A couple in SIchuan who lost their son on the earthquake called her and wanted to adopt her.  She refused immediately by saying, "I have a mother already."  A Guizhou man working in Yunnan looked her up in desperation, claimed to have seen "the back of her mother" and asked for some charity.  She fed him and took him to the bus station.  An old man in Fujian called her up under the guise of looking for a wife for his son.  He called her every day for half a month in a row and played a hour of violin for her each time.

Lawyer Zhou Xianjiang felt that this girl and the storm created by her "were getting crazier and crazier."  He learned by accident that in order to procure the files of the two crimes that her father was involved in, she promised an official in the Lufeng county public security bureau to become his "lover."  When the man failed to provide the files, Peng lodged a complaint and the man was demoted to office clerk.

Zhou Xianjiang said that after that episode, she became famous locally.  "Nobody dared to have anything to do with her."

The villagers around the area know about the existence of the nude photos of Peng Chunping.  She can walk into any restaurant, and the noisy place would suddenly become completely quiet.  Villagers are always rushing away to avoid media interviews.  "There is nothing much to say about her."

The maternal uncle did not want to talk about his niece.  "In her present condition, she cannot hope to get married in this village."  He wishes that she would go away, get married, have children and lead a normal life.

She had just that chance when she went steady with Bai Yaoming.  His parents objected and he wanted to elope with her.  He swore that "he will never let her suffer again."  But Peng Chunping chose to break up with him, "thanking him for bringing her warmth."

In March 2009, Peng Chunping uploaded the third set of nude photos.  These photos were taken by making a trip to a studio in the neighboring Anning county just for a virtual promise on the Internet.

A netizen using the title "Blog" as his QQ group ID claimed to be familiar with the Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment circles and can help her publish her nude photos in the tabloid magazines there.  Peng Chunping did not check his credentials.  She did not ask for his real name.  She followed his request and took more than a dozen "more crisp, more professional and more aesthetically pleasing" totally nude photos for him.  But the other party has not been heard from since.

She has been deceived again and again, but she never seem to summarize the lessons.  "I can only believe," she said.

But she cannot avoid anxiety.  Apart from several "inaccurate" media reports and many "transactions" without any payoff, her petitions have not attained any material progress.  "Worse" yet, after the Lufeng county government announced the news that the Peng family will be treated properly, many media were no longer interested in the case.

When our reporter gathered news in Shijiu village, it was found that the so-called "news" about Peng Chunping was actually already carried out at the village -- the subsidy of 48 jins of food to Peng and her mother every season.  Based upon the document for the contracted land, the villagers have returned the land of the Peng family.

But she did not sign anything, she did not ask for the papers and she refused to acknowledge that the villagers were willing to return the land to her.  "If I planted anything there, they would have been uprooted for sure."  Also, "it is absolutely certain that it will happen."

Lawyer Zhou Xianjiang has advised her, "The government is being reasonable here.  Just go back and enjoy herself."  But Peng Chunping would not listen.  During the interviews, her most frequently phrase is: "I have already paid so much in cost and effort, so I cannot retreat."

She has hitchhiked across several provinces to Guangzhou.  A NetEase editor once helped her to get a job as a restaurant waitress there.  Several days later, he received a SMS from her to say that she has quit her job and returned home in order to continue to look for her mother and to petition.

Today, the lives between Peng Chunping and her sister Peng Chunlan are diverging.  In 2007, her sister got married, had a baby and got divorced recently.

For Peng Chunping, she sympathizes with her sister but she cannot follow her life.  She does not want to and she will never live in a mountainous village.  She does not know how to farm.

She can only move ahead and continue with her petition.  She needs desperately to have a breakthrough -- a report that totally respects her wishes and presents her "injustices."

In July 2009, Peng Chunping was being interviewed in Nanjing and saw a comment on her blog.  She called back and learned that the other party was a Yunnan reporter named Zhang Yuguang who wanted to help her.

Zhang Yuguang firmly denies that their 17 day long affair was a naked trade.  From his SMS records, there was a certain ambiguity between interviewer and interviewee right from the very start -- "How old are you?  Are you single?"  "I like you, I love you" ...

Zhang Yuguang who was divorced ten years ago instantaneously accepted the love from the girl who is 26 years younger than him.

Peng Chunping said that she "loved" him because he promised to write a report about her that was "completely true."  She went from Nanjing to Kunming straight to meet with him.

The former boyfriend Jiang Ying was quickly notified that she was breaking up with him.  "She said that she has finally found someone who can help her and therefore she did not need my company any more."

Zhang Yuguang interviewed Peng Chunping for two nights straight.  From this 70-page thick notes, it can be seen that Peng Chunping treated him as a relative.  She said a lot of things, both those that were already told to other reporters and those not told yet, plus things that are unrelated or even unfavorable to the cases of "injustice" ...

Zhang Yuguang felt at one point that Peng Chunping must be imagining him to be her father.  She never deletes those SMS in which he refers to her as "baby."  She never deletes them.  When she has nothing to do, she would retrieve them and read them.

Today, this becomes the evidence for Zhang Yuguang's claim that the two had a "normal love affair."  As additional evidence, he spent more than 1,000 yuan to buy her pants and athletic shoes, because she used to wear only high-heels, skirts or hot pants.  He even gave her several thousand yuan in cash.

The two even went to Shijiu village to conduct interviews.  Zhang Yuguang noticed that whenever she met some acquaintance, she would hold his arm and said, "This is the reporter who is gathering news about my family."

Back in Kunming, Peng Chunping egged Zhang Yuguang every day to publish his report.  She even called the newspaper's chief editor.  When the report was published, she was once more plunged into deepest despair.  The whole report was about her hard life, but not her petitions.  "All that has already been written by other reporters.  Why do I have to sleep with him to have this kind of report?"

Zhang Yuguang's explanation is same as that of the other reports.  "You cannot write what you have not verified."  This got on Peng Chunping's nerves.  "Her own guy" was "just another reporter."

When the two broke up, Peng Chunping asked Zhang to give her another half hour.  During that half hour, Peng Chunping wrote a thousand word plus essay on his computer.  She told Zhang that if the report should get published to add this section.  The words were all about the accusations based upon the injustices that her family suffered.

In the next ten days, neither side did anything.  Zhang Yuguang forgot all about the report.  On the eleventh day, a post named "The beast of a reporter seduced the naked girl of Yunnan who is trying to find her mother" became red-hot on the Internet.

So Peng Chunping had a second wave of media coverage.  She was interviewed by another group of reporters.  She continued to condemn Zhang Yuguang on her blog.  She thanked every comment that supported her; she repeated the injustices done to her and the new story to every netizen who asked about the details; she rebutted every doubt as if that person were Zhang Yuguang ...

She took a fourth set of nude photos at the studio in the neighboring county.  She intends to publish them when the current wave of popularity begins to cool down.  This 21-year-old girl has not intention of slowing down.

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